Massage for Pregnancy & Child-bearing years

Specially adapted massage for pregnant women – what a difference a massage therapist can make!!!

holding preg tummyThe thought of massage for most people conjures up the thought of deep relaxation, switching off from the daily grind and lying back and letting someone else take care of you. Right? Morag believes that massage, as amazing as it is, should not be considered a luxury, but a necessity for many moments of our lives. The science of technique and the magic of nourishing touch can come together to make a real difference in our lives.

Pregnancy in many ways can be a great joy. It is also a massive strain on a woman’s entire being, both mentally and physically – a true emotional & physical rollercoaster. Massage whilst pregnant can ease so many symptoms and if a woman receives regular massage throughout her pregnancy, it can qualitatively change the experience, increase the health of mother and child and in some cases make the birth process an easier one. The UKs NHS has opened itself up to the importance of massage during pregnancy and it is now recommended by more and more midwives and GPs.

Common pregnancy concerns:

  • Feelings of nausea
  • Headaches
  • Lower back, hip & pelvic pain
  • Neck & shoulder pain
  • Sciatica
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Sinusitis
  • Aching/restless legs, leg cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Hand/foot puffiness
  • Indigestion
  • Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Feeling out of control & lack of connection with the body

As well as helping with the above, massage treatments can also provide invaluable emotional support for pregnant women. Even the most planned and wanted pregnancy can be filled with anxiety and confusion. Massage can help women to reconnect with themselves and calm their mind and bodies. Without doubt, massage should be a part of every woman’s pregnancy.

When is it safe to massage a pregnant woman?

It is ALWAYS safe to massage a pregnant woman if you have an appropriately qualified and confident therapist. Morag is both of these and in fact assesses other therapists in their ability to conduct a safe and effective pregnancy massage.

What massage position is best?

The side-lying position is most used for massage in pregnancy. Morag will assess this and talk to you about your most comfortable position and will take any symptoms and stage of pregnancy into consideration. Often with low back pain in the third trimester, Morag may ask you to kneel on the floor, over the couch or a birthing ball, in the “all fours” position, to access your sacrum bone area (triangular bone at the base of the back near the coccyx) to relieve congestion and tension there. This can have fantastic results!

Post partum Massage

So now the baby is here, what next? Soothing massage can be done soon after birth. It’s a good idea to book a post partum massage for about 6 weeks after the due-date, however, there is no obligation if you aren’t up for it nearer the time, so long as you can give Morag 24 hours notice. After the birth, when you are back with yourself, a massage treatment can be indispensible in reclaiming your body, decreasing recovery time from any back/pelvic pain from the birth and with Morag’s MFR (Myofascial Release) skills, work can be started on c-section scar tissue (after 6-8 week check), to prevent further scarring & associated pain conditions later in life. But most importantly, this is much needed time for yourself!

Infant Massage

Morag is also a qualified baby massage instructor. If you were able to get a group of 5 or 6 friends together, with babies up to crawling age, a class could be setup especially for you and your friends – please call or email to ask. Massaging your baby is a wonderful way to bond with them.

Birth Partners

Birth Partners – click here to learn how to massage your mother to be!

Click Here to learn what expectant mums have said about pregnancy massage